Dr. habil. Georg Bergner
Theoretisch-Physikalisches Institut
Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena
Max-Wien-Platz 1
D-07743 Jena
Tel.: +49-3641-947139
Room: Abb 202
Most of the project code can currently still not be found online. Some packages are available on request.
Parts of my code projects are publicly available at github:
My github page.
Most simulations are done with an own code development. In addition, I have used some external packages.
ETMC at github
Carsten Urbach ETMC code page
Cl2QCD code developement
There is an undocumented bug in the old parallel version of ARPACK (PARPACK).
It leads to missing eigenvalues in the computed spectrum.
Thanks to Jaques Bloch I learned about it. I do not know if this bug will be
resolved at some time since it has been present for a while. Since it might
be important for other related studies of eigenvalues of large sparse matrices I have
written a small patch for it. In addition to the patch you can find some scritps that
I have used for the installation of (P)ARPACK in the file below.
By now, this might have become irrelevant with the new ARPACK-NG.
Patch and scripts to install parallel ARPACK