Quantum fields, fluids and information
Research group in theoretical physics at the Institute for Theoretical Physics at Friedrich Schiller University Jena.
Research interests
- Theory of quantum fields
- Quantum information and Information geometry
- Fluid dynamics in the context of special and general relativity
- High energy nuclear collisions and the quark gluon plasma
- Cosmology and the formation of cosmological large scale structure
- Functional renormalization group
- Ultracold quantum fluids
You can find publications on Inspire HEP or on arXiv.
Getting involved
There are very interesting physics questions to be investigated concerning the dynamics of quantum fields, emerging fluid dynamics and relations to information theory. Research touches here upon the most fundamental concepts of nature but also helps to answer many concrete practical questions. If you are a highly motivated student with a very good knowldege and strong passion for theoretical physics there are possibilites to get involved in the context of a Bachelor-, Master- or Doctoral thesis. Please contact the group members for more information.
Emergent spacetime geometry
We are running an online seminar series on emergent spacetime geometry. We have also recently organized a workshop on this topic.
Akademisches Atelier
We are also building up a workspace for digital learning and teaching, called Akademisches Atelier. The project was initially funded through a Fellowship für Innovationen in der digitalen Hochschullehre.
Current group members
- Stefan Floerchinger (Group leader)
- Adrian Königstein (Postdoc)
- Markus Schröfl (Postdoc)
- Eric Oevermann (PhD student)
- Christian Schmidt (PhD student)
- Tim Stötzel (PhD student)
- Tobias Bruschke (Master student)
- Georg Pfeifer (Master student)
- Yannis Andre (Bachelor student)