Conferences and Workshops
09/2023, Functional Methods in Strongly Correlated Systems, Hirschegg, Information geometry and generating functionals for quantum field theory
09/2023, Quantum effects in Gravitational Fields, Leipzig, Quantum field simulator for dynamics in curved spacetime
05/2023, Exploring new topics with functional renormalization, Bad Honnef, Functional renormalization and information geometry
04/2023, The QCD Phase Transition, Bad Honnef, Fluid description for high-energy nuclear collisions starting before the collisions
10/2022, Physik-Combo, Leipzig, Quantum fields out-of-equilibrium and information theory
09/2022, Physics of Intense Fields (PIF 2022), Online, Pair production of phonons in Bose-Einstein condensates with curved and expanding acoustic metric
07/2022, Exact Renormalization Group 2022, Berlin, Extended Symmetries
06/2022, FunQCD Workshop, Valencia, Using non-Riemannian geometry to study relativistic fluids
06/2021, ALICE Workshop on a next generation heavy-ion experiment for LHC Run 5 and beyond (Online), Low-pT photon and di-lepton rates and electric conductivity
03/2021, FunQCD Workshop (Online), Conserved and non-conserved Noether currents from the quantum effective action
11/2019, Banff, Workshop Theoretical Foundations of Relativistic Hydrodynamics, A quantum information perspective on relativistic fluid dynamics and quantum fields out-of-equilibrium
09/2019, Heidelberg, International Conference on Quantum Systems in Extreme Conditions, Particle production from expanding QCD strings and its quantum simulation
09/2019, Wien, LMee workshop, Physics perspectives with heavy ions at the High Luminosity - LHC and beyond or How to constrain electric conductivity
07/2019, München, MIAPP Programme Cosmological structure formation, Evolution of dark matter velocity dispersion
06/2019, Columbia University, New York City, Initial Stages 2019 conference, Entanglement at collider energies (plenary talk)
04/2019, Hirschegg, Workshop on Functional Methods in Strongly Correlated Systems, Fluctuations in the fluid dynamics of heavy ion collisions
03/2019, Duke university, Workshop on Novel Probes of the Nucleon Structure in SIDIS, e+e- and pp (FF2019), Entanglement in hadronization (remote talk)
02/2019, Schleching, Arbeitstreffen Kernphysik, Summary of heavy ion seminar talks
09/2018, Stony Brook, Workshop Quantum Entanglement at Collider Energies, Entanglement dynamic of hadronization
09/2018, München, MIAPP Programme Heavy Ions, Causality and relativistic fluid dynamics
08/2018, Dublin, Quark confinement and the hadron spectrum, Quantum information and strongly interacting theories (plenary talk)
08/2018, Benasque, Programme: Collectivity and correlations in high-energy hadron and nuclear collisions, Dynamics of entanglement in expanding quantum fields
07/2018, Paris, Exact Renormalization Group 2018, Cosmological structure formation beyond the single stream approximation
06/2018, Barcelona, Strong and Electroweak Matter 2018, Dynamics of entanglement in expanding quantum fields
06/2018, Bologna, Sixth Annual Conference on Large Hadron Collider Physics, Physics perspectives with heavy ions at the High Luminosity - LHC and beyond
06/2018, Bologna, Sixth Annual Conference on Large Hadron Collider Physics, Collectivity in small systems and in heavy-ion collisions: theoretical overview
05/2018, Bonn, Strategieworkshop Teilchenphysik, High-energy nuclear collisions
05/2018, Seattle, INT Program Multi-Scale Problems Using Effective Field Theories, Dissipation from the one-particle-irreducible effective action
04/2018, Wien, Erwin Schrödinger Institut, Programme Quantum Path, Thermalization and fluid dynamics in high-energy nuclear collisions
03/2018, Argonne National Laboratory, Workshop: Intersections between Nuclear Physics and Quantum Information, Entanglement in an expanding QCD string
03/2018, Regensburg, 8th International Conference on Physics Opportunities at an Electron-Ion-Collider (POETIC), Entanglement in an expanding QCD string
03/2018, Bochum, Frühjahrstagung der Deutschen Physikalischen Gesellschaft, Flow and fluctuations in high energy nuclear collisions
09/2017, Mazara, Workshop: The many facets of non-equilibrium physics, Thermal excitation spectrum from entanglement in an expanding QCD string
08/2017, Trento, ECT* Workshop, Thermal excitation spectrum from entanglement in an expanding QCD string
12/2016, Bad Honnef, 632. WE-Heraeus-Seminar: Gauge Field Dynamics with Ultracold Gas Systems, Dissipation in quantum gauge theories – interesting open questions
10/2016, Mainz, MITP Workshop Relativistic Hydrodynamics: Theory and Modern Applications, Variational principle for theories with dissipation from analytic continuation
09/2016, Trieste, 8th International Conference on the Exact Renormalization Group, ERG2016, Dissipation from the analytically continued 1 PI effective action
08/2016, CERN, Theory program The big bang and the little bangs, Fluctuations in the quark-gluon plasma and in the cosmological fluid
06/2016, Lisbon, 3rd International Conference on the Initial Stages in High-Energy Nuclear Collisions, Initial Stages 2016, Fluid dynamic propagation of initial baryon number perturbations
10/2015, Kyoto, XXV international conference on ultrarelativistic heavy-ion collisions, Quark Matter 2015, Heavy ion collisions and cosmology (plenary talk)
07/2015, Quy Nhon, Second conference on heavy ion collisions in the LHC era and beyond, Interplay between hydrodynamics and jets
06/2015, Borgo, 16th conference on Elastic and Diffractive scattering: The hydrodynamical description of heavy ion collisions. Recent developments
10/2014, Trento, ECT* Workshop on QCD Hadronization and the Statistical Model: Hadronization at high baryon chemical potential in the chiral model
09/2014, Lefkada, 7th International Conference in the Exact Renormalization Group: Composite chiral fermions from the renormalization group
05/2014, Darmstadt, Quark Matter 2014 or XXIV International Conference on Ultrarelativistic Nucleus-Nucleus Collisions: A perturbative approach to hydrodynamics
04/2014, Brookhaven National Laboratory, RBRC Workshop on The Approach to Equilibrium in Strongly Interacting Matter: Isotropization from Color Field Condensate in heavy ion collisions
09/2013, Illa de A Toxa, International Conference on the Initial Stages in High-Energy Nuclear Collisions: Mode-by-mode hydrodynamics (plenary talk)
08/2013, Crete, 2nd International Conference on New Frontiers in Physics: Mode-by-mode hydrodynamics for heavy ion collisions
09/2012, Aussois, 6th International Conference on the Exact Renormalization Group: Analytic continuation of functional renormalization group equations
11/2011, Copenhagen, Workshop on Heavy Ions: Experiments Confront Theory: Fluctuations around Bjorken flow and the onset of turbulent phenomena
08/2011, Kyoto, Yukawa International Molecule Workshop on Renormalization Group Approach from Ultra Cold Atoms to the Hot QGP: Fluctuations around Bjorken flow and the onset of turbulent phenomena
05/2011, Annecy, Quark Matter 2011 or XXII International Conference on Ultrarelativistic Nucleus-Nucleus Collisions: Turbulent fluctuations around Bjorken flow
02/2011, Bad Honnef, 474. WE-Heraeus-Seminar on Strong Interactions: From Methods to Structures: Ultracold quantum gases and functional renormalization
01/2011, Frankfurt, FIAS-EMMI Day: Ultracold fermions with three components: Cooper pairs, molecules and trions
01/2011, Obergurgl, HGSFP Winterschool: Ultracold quantum gases (lecture)
09/2010, Corfu, 5th International Conference on the Exact Renormalization Group: Ultracold quantum gases and functional renormalization (plenary lecture)
06/2010, Günzburg, FOR 723 Workshop: Flowing bosonization and bound states
05/2010, Heidelberg, Symposium on Hybrid Quantum Systems: Ultracold fermions with three components: Cooper pairs, molecules and trions
10/2009, Obergurgl, Fermions 2009 Conference: Ultracold fermions with three components: Cooper pairs, molecules and trions
08/2009, Riezlern, Workshop Quark-Gluon Plasma meets Cold Atoms - Episode II: Functional renormalization and Ultracold quantum gases
06/2009, Günzburg, FOR 723 Workshop: News from Bosonization
11/2008, Ladenburg, FOR 723 Workshop: Ultracold gases and Functional renormalization
07/2008, Heidelberg, 4th International Conference on the Exact Renormalization Group: Functional renormalization for ultracold quantum gases
09/2007, Durham, Workshop on Renormalization Group and Effective Field Theories: Bose-Einstein Condensation with Functional Renormalization Group
04/2007, Würzburg, FOR 723 Workshop: Particle hole fluctuations in ultracold fermionic quantum gases
Seminars and Colloquia
05/2023, CERN theory colloquium, Geneva, Quantum field simulator for dynamics in curved spacetime, for video recording see
04/2023, Krakow, Dynamics of entanglement in QCD strings and its quantum simulation
07/2022, Physikalisches Kolloquium, Universität Jena The structure of the early cosmos in a Bose-Einstein condensate
05/2022, Physikalisches Kolloquium, Universität Heidelberg The structure of the early cosmos in a Bose-Einstein condensate
03/2021, INT Seattle, Frontiers in Nuclear Theory Colloquium (Online), Geometry, Noether currents and relativistic fluids
01/2021, National Centre for Nuclear Research, Warsaw, A quantum information perspective on relativistic fluid dyanmics and quantum fields out-of-equilibrium
07/2020, Universität Heidelberg, STRUCTURES Jour fixe, Thermodynamics from relative entropy
02/2020, University Santiago de Compostela, A quantum information perspective on relativistic fluid dynamics and quantum fields out-of-equilibrium
01/2020, Universität Regensburg, A quantum information perspective on relativistic fluid dynamics and quantum fields out-of-equilibrium
12/2019, CEA Saclay, Paris, Physics of net-charge fluctuations: theory and phenomenology
12/2019, Nikhef Amsterdam, A quantum information perspective on relativistic fluid dynamics and quantum fields out-of-equilibrium
12/2019, MIT Boston, A quantum information perspective on relativistic fluid dynamics and quantum fields out-of-equilibrium
03/2019, Subatech Nantes, Entropy and quantum field theory
05/2018, Technische Universität Darmstadt, Physikalisches Kolloquium, Entropy and quantum field theory
04/2018, Potsdam, Albert Einstein Institute, Virtual Seminar, Dynamics of entanglement in expanding quantum fields
03/2018, CERN, Entanglement in an expanding QCD string
02/2018, Technische Universität München, Entropy and quantum field theory
01/2018, Universität Heidelberg, Teilchentee, Entropy and quantum field theory
01/2018, Universität zu Köln, Dynamics of entanglement in expanding quantum fields
11/2017, Center for Frontiers in Nuclear Science, Stony Brook University, Thermal excitation spectrum from entanglement in an expanding quantum string
11/2017, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge (MA), Thermal excitation spectrum from entanglement in an expanding quantum string
11/2017, Technische Universität Wien, Thermal excitation spectrum from entanglement in an expanding quantum string
12/2016, Brookhaven National Laboratory, Renormalization-group flow of the effective action of cosmological large-scale structures
12/2016, Stony Brook University, Dissipation from the analytically continued 1 PI effective action
10/2016, Imperial College London: Dissipation from the analytically continued 1 PI effective action
07/2016, Max-Planck Institute Heidelberg: Dissipative properties of the cosmological fluid
07/2016, Heidelberg University: Theory of particle number correlations
11/2015, CERN Theory Colloquium: Dissipative properties of the cosmological fluid [Video on CERN Document Server]
05/2015, Geneva University: Backreaction effects on the matter side of Einsteins field equations
01/2015, CERN: Fluid dynamic perturbations in heavy ion collisions
04/2014, Ohio State University: Mode-by-mode fluid dynamics for relativistic heavy ion collisions
04/2014, Kent State University: Functional renormalization group equations and analytic continuation
02/2014, Darmstadt, GSI: Properties of the QCD phase diagram from chemical freeze-out
01/2014, Frankfurt: Mode-by-mode fluid dynamics for relativistic heavy ion collisions
01/2014, Paris: Functional renormalization group equations and analytic continuation
06/2013, Santiago de Compostela: Fluctuations in the hydrodynamical description of relativistic heavy ion collisions
04/2013, Lausanne: Cold atoms, the Efimov effect and limit cycles
11/2012, Graz: Analytic continuation and bound states in functional renormalization
03/2012, Aachen: Analytic continuation of functional renormalization group equations
01/2012, Heidelberg: Analytic continuation of functional renormalization group equations
11/2011, Paris: Fluctuations in fluid dynamical fields
03/2011, Darmstadt: Thermodynamic and transport properties of strongly interacting quantum field theories
06/2010, Frankfurt: Ultracold quantum gases and functional renormalization
06/2010, Heidelberg: Description of cold quantum gases using the renormalization group
05/2010, Jena: Functional RG: How to treat bound states and momentum dependence
12/2009, Darmstadt: Ultracold fermions with three components: Cooper pairs, molecules and trions
11/2009, Ithaca, Cornell University: Ultracold fermions with three components: Cooper pairs, molecules and trions
03/2009, Jena: Ultracold fermions with three components: Cooper pairs, molecules and trions
04/2008, Heidelberg: Functional renormalization for Bose-Einstein Condensation
Public Outreach
- 11/2007, Heidelberg, Nacht der Wissenschaft: Wie Mikroskopisches und Makroskopisches zusammen hängen