Particles and Fields
Holger Gies, WiSe 2023/2024
Lectures: Friday 08-10, HS3, HHW3
Tutorials: Tuesday 16-18, HS3, HHW3 held by Marta Picciau.
First Event: Lecture on Friday, 20 October 2023.
Course organization
- The module registration proceeds via Friedolin according to the standard regulations.
- A successful participation in the exercise classes is a necessary prerequisite for the module examination.
- The form of the module examination (written exam or oral examination) depends on the number of participants and takes place by the end of or after the lecture course. Details will be announced in the lecture.
- Handwritten Lecture Notes as PDF Scans:
- Introduction
- Aspects of classical field theory
- Nonlinear scalar field theories
- Particles and fields as representations of the Lorentz group
- Simple spinor field theories
- Interacting field theories with spinors
- Field theories of matter and gauge interactions
- Classical field theory for particle physics – an example
- Selected Chapters of:
- M. Kaku, “Quantum Field Theory”, Oxford University Press
- L.H. Ryder, “Quantum Field Theory”, Cambridge University Press
- M.E. Peskin and D.V. Schroeder, “An Introduction To Quantum Field Theory,” Addison-Wesley (1995)
- B. Felsager, “Geometry, Particles, and Fields”, Springer
- I.J.R. Aitchison, A.J.G. Hey, “Gauge Theories in Particle Physics: Volume I: From Relativistic Quantum Mechanics to QED”, CRC Press (2002)