About Me
I am a full professor at TPI, FSU Jena (Chair for Quantum Theory), and a scientific member of the Helmholtz Institute Jena . I am the spokesperson of the DFG Research Training Group RTG 2522, providing research training in quantum and gravitational field theory, and of the DFG Research Unit FOR 2783 investigating the quantum vacuum.
Previously, I was an Emmy Noether junior research group leader at ITP Heidelberg, an Emmy Noether postdoctoral fellow at CERN, and I did my PhD with Walter Dittrich at Tübingen U.
Most of my publications can be found via inspirehep.net.
Mastodon: @GiesJena@fediscience.org
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Secretariat: +49 / 3641 / 947 100
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D-07743 Jena
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D-07743 Jena